Two Of Earth Tallow Balm Unscented - Solid


Two Of Earth Tallow Balm is a nourishing grass-fed and grass finished, organic beef tallow, blended with organic olive oil and unscented for sensitive skin.

 We love “The Sensitive” Solid Tallow Balm for

  • dry or oily skin
  • deep hydration and moisture for tough areas like elbows/knees/heels
  • acne prone skin
  • anti aging
  • eczema
  • psoriasis
  • other skin conditions
  • a soothing nipple butter
  • scarring from injury/surgery/c-section
  • healing burns
  • a first aid ointment on many minor issues, bug bites, rashes
  • an unscented / essential oil free option

Ingredients for Sensitive Solid: 100% grassfed, grass-finished beef suet tallow, calendula infused organic cold pressed olive oil.

**Due to the nature of this product and the fact that these products contain only natural ingredients and no stabilizers, we highly recommend not choosing the shipping option for the whipped balms during the warmer months (June-September),  Please choose our pickup location when ordering the whipped balms. If you wish to use the shipping option, try the solid balm instead. 

*** The Sensitive Solid Tallow Balm is pregnancy and breastfeeding safe.




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