About Us

Meet Maria - A green beauty expert in Toronto

Skincare has become incredibly complicated – but it doesn’t have to be.

Despite what the multi-billion dollar cosmetics industry would like you to believe, it’s absolutely possible to look and feel great using local products made of simple and natural ingredients – and I’m here to show you the way. I do this through makeup consultations, lessons and application in Toronto (and beyond) an online shop where you’ll find a curated selection of my favourite makeup and self-care products and tons of free resources and reviews.

My name is Maria Velve, a certified make-up artist and green beauty expert on a mission to:

1. Connect you with clean and effective products made right here in Canada, and
2. Teach you how to use them in a way that makes you feel fresh, confident and – most importantly – like yourself.

All of the products I use, recommend and sell are made in Canada from natural (and often local) ingredients.  I recommend only those I’ve thoroughly researched, tested and fallen in love with.


I’m a make-up artist and a college professor by trade – an unusual combination that has made for an interesting career. I’ve taught English in Korea, done intricate costume make-up for films, and managed a busy downtown Toronto luxury spa.

While I loved many things about both teaching and my make-up work, I always felt like something was missing – until I found my calling in this business.
That happened quite by accident when my second son, Markus, developed severe skin issues as a baby. In an effort to figure out why this was happening – and how to fix it – I began to question everything in my house. I quickly learned just how many toxic and potentially harmful ingredients are hiding in the products we put on our skin – and how hard it is to break through the noise (and the greenwashing) to find clean and natural alternatives.

On that eye-opening journey I discovered two things:

  • That Canada has a treasure trove of options when it comes to green beauty, and
  • That there are SO many other women out there looking for the same thing I was

I felt compelled to share what I was learning – so I began to meet with women, introduce them to the beautiful products I had discovered, and teach them to use them with confidence – and the rest, as they say, is history. Helping women choose and use clean beauty products feeds my desire to teach, to connect on a human level, and to make a real difference in people’s lives – and the world.

My overall message to you – and the reason this business exists – boils down to this: What we put on our skin matters. But the bottle it comes in doesn’t. I want you to feel wonderful and pampered – but not because you spent hundreds of dollars on a product in a fancy package that a celebrity told you to buy. I want you to feel it because the products you use are free of harmful chemicals, full of nutrient-dense ingredients, and made with love, passion and the best
that nature has to offer.

When I’m not there or researching clean beauty, you’ll find me spending time with my husband and two young boys. I also love yoga, making art with my kids, and travel.