avocado close up avocado close up


By Maria Velve

avocado close up avocado close up
As a green beauty expert, I talk a lot about DIY beauty care tips and avocado is definitely at the centre of many beauty ingredients because they have great benefits to the skin. Avocados are anti-aging powerhouses and besides being delicious and beneficial to our overall health due to their good fats, vitamins and minerals, they make wonderful beauty treatments as well. They...
1) feed the skin with Vitamins, C, E - powerful anti-oxidants - and essential fatty acids (omega-3s) that our skin needs
2) help smooth, hydrate and strengthen the skin
3) are used easily and applied directly on the skin
Here's the link to the Healthline.com article in which I got featured. It talks all about the top avocado benefits for the skin: